Welcome to my page!

Hello i'm Dupa nice to meet you.

-proud dumb bisexual
-leo, if it’s important
-living too far away
for some cool events

You can talk to me about
Doctor Who, Good Omens, Beyond Evil (kdrama), Twin Peaks, David Tennant amazing talent and ofc TV show Around The World In 80 Days with him! You probably notice that i’m a lil obssesd over it by this moment, hphpphphphph.

Hello again hope you feel comfy here.
I’m gonna tell you about myself and my interests a little. I’m not tweeting or retweet stuff much, but i always glad to interact with my moots and oomfs on my tl about some silly stuff.
Also i like to make memes and edits with my favs.

I speak mostly on english but i can reply on russian to my russian speaking moots and oomfs.

My all time favorite movies is:
The Nice Guys;
Mamma Mia dilogy;
The Rocky Horror Picture Show;
Mulholland Drive;

But back to DW i currently trying to rewatch it and my fav Doctor is 12th! I like this silly space peepaw.

Don't follow me if you:
came here just bc i made one funny joke

my secret telegram chanell